Monday, September 22, 2014

9 Smart Ways to Increase Your Water Intake without Drinking Water

          Water is said to be the natural magical potion for all life forms. And, drinking water does a lot more than just quench your thirst. It is a friend for those who wish to stay healthy and fit, lose weight, and gain a flawless and radiant skin. Water regulates your metabolism, keeps your digestive system healthy, and keeps your skin and body hydrated.

          But, keeping a count on those essential eight to ten glasses of water daily can get a little tiring or boring. What’s more? Not many people are naturally inclined towards water, and they do not drink the sufficient amount during the day. Add to that the fact that at times just plain water is not enough to conquer the hot and humid weathers. Well, here are a few foods that you should eat to add water in your daily diet. These amazing vegetables and fruits are high in water content, so along with your regular glasses of water it is time you befriend these too.

#1. Lettuce

Water-friendly quotient: 96%

          Probably, burgers are the first thing that comes to your mind upon hearing this leaf’s name (probably the only healthy thing in a burger). It is also used in sandwiches and salads. Iceberg lettuce is 96 per cent water, and is also a worthy source of antioxidants, folate, vitamins A, C and K and fibre. So, time to make yourself a refreshing and lettuce-enriched salad this evening, we suggest!

#2. Cucumbers

Water-friendly quotient: 96%

          “Cool as a cucumber” you will be if you consume it on a daily basis. Cucumbers are 96 per cent water, and are also a welcome source of dietary fibres. Cucumbers have made their way to numerous dishes, so you do not have to be picky while trying to include it in your daily diet. However it is always better to add cucumber in lighter dishes, say a bowl of salad or cold soup to compliment your dinner.

#3. Tomato

Water-friendly quotient: 94%

          Tomato contains a little over 94 per cent water. It plays the role of a taste giver in thousands of dishes all over the globe. It is a valuable ingredient in almost all types of Indian salads and purees. It is a storehouse of vitamins A, K and C and is also a friend of your pancreas and colon. It helps lower cholesterol levels in blood, and keeps you healthy and hydrated. Apart from the regular variety, you can also add a few cherry and grape tomatoes to your salads and sandwiches.

#4. Cauliflower

Water-friendly quotient: 92%

          Probably a million preparations of cauliflower exist in India. It is consumed both steamed and fried. Apart from 92 per cent water content, it also consists of vitamin K and phytonutrients, which protect the body against cancer. Cauliflower also has higher water retention capabilities- all the more reason to indulge in this tasty vegetable. However try to keep your preparation light as rich preparation robs it of its hydration properties. So, toss them along with some nuts to make a crunchy salad to quench your pre-lunch hunger pangs.

#5. Spinach

Water-friendly quotient: 92%

          Spinach’s mascot, 'Popeye- the Sailor Man', has done a commendable job in spreading its importance, and all that he has portrayed were more or less true- minus the animated extremities.

Spinach consists of 92 per cent water. It is also a rich source of lutein, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, and vitamins A, E and K. It also forms a protective shield against prostate and breast cancer. Now, add this to your snack time sandwiches, along with some low-fat dips and a few corns, to make your snack tasty and healthy.

#6. Broccoli

Water-friendly quotient: 91%


          It is a good source of vitamin A and C, calcium, iron and fibre. And, this dark green vegetable consists of 91 per cent water content. While its taste might raise a few brows on its daily consumption issue, it tastes alright when hidden in salads and other dishes. Try it with a low-fat dip to make it a hydrating dish.

#7. Thirst-quenching Fruits 


          Fruits are known to be one of the best sources of water. They are not only healthy and low in calories, but also a great way to keep yourself satiated for a longer time. One of the best fruits to gorge on during the hot and sweaty summers is also a great source of water. Watermelons consist of 92 per cent water. What’s more? This amazing fruit is also a rich source of lycopene that makes it a great way to protect your body from harmful UV light internally. Apart from watermelon, there are a lot of other fruits that are a great source of water, like strawberries (91%), cantaloupe or kharbooja (90%), peaches (89%), apricots (86%), apple (84%), cherries (81%), oranges (87%), etc.

#8. Dairy Diet

Water-friendly quotient: 89-85%


          Yes, one of the most unsuspecting sources of water is yoghurt (85%) and low-fat milk (89%). They are also a great way to add potassium, proteins, and vitamins A and D to your diet. Yoghurt is just protein in liquid form, which makes it a wonderful add-on to your body’s water requirement, especially during the summers. So, make some refreshing smoothies with low-fat milk, yoghurt and naturally sweet fruits, and quench your thirst with taste.

#9. Coconut Water

Water-friendly quotient: 95%

          If you are feeling thirsty, but don’t want to go for plain and boring water, then coconut water is your best bet. Coconut water has high water content, and is also a yummy drink to quench your thirst. It is low in calories, sodium and carbohydrates, compared to many packaged beverages, like fruit juices and sodas. It is quite a popular drink for athletes and fitness freaks, as it is low in sugar, but is highly energising.

Why to Go for Water-rich Foods?
Here is why they are great for your health:

  • They not only keep you hydrated, but also add much needed nutrients in your body, like essential antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre.
  • These foods, along with water, will make sure that you don’t gorge on unnecessary calories, by keeping hunger pangs at bay.
  • They also ensure that your body doesn’t feel fatigued and tired.
  • They are a great way to detoxify and cleanse, as they flush out toxins from your body.
  • These water-rich foods reduce water retention.

So, keep yourself hydrated and refreshed by adding not just water, but these water-rich foods as well to your daily diet.


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